Brent Industries Inc.

Brent Industries of Brent, Alabama, a large industrial laundry company  purchased two Xylene re-distillation systems from us in 1995 and 1996. Pesco continues to advise Brent in the operation and maintenance of these systems. At each facility they process 135,000 liters per day each of contaminated xylene, which would otherwise have to be incinerated or disposed of as a hazardous waste. The Pesco systems recover 98% of the solvent for reuse in their own laundry. Pesco designed and built these systems, which consist of flash evaporators and vapor fed fractionation columns. They separate the cleaning solvent from dirt, grease, dye, and from other solvents. These systems have been operating successfully for over 12 years.

Brent Industries System – Design Capacity – 1,500 GPH


Posted on

April 28, 2022

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